Where did all the music go?
As we gradually return to communal celebrations of the Eucharist, you’ve no doubt noticed a lot of changes. One of the most surprising is the absence of the choir from Sunday celebrations. In the face of the current health crisis, the Bishop’s office has asked us to suspend the choir for the time being, and medical experts have raised serious health concerns with communal singing. That has not stopped the music! For the time being, Our Lady’s music ministry has moved to be primarily online. You can find music from the parish here and via the new Our Lady of the Lake Music Ministry YouTube page. There, you will find piano reflections on favorite hymns, choral anthems, and other videos to help nourish your faith. There are also several piano reflections you can download to keep with you on your smartphone. Is there a favorite hymn you would like to hear, you can let me know by requesting a piano reflection.
This is all temporary. One day, we will gather and sing together again with newfound care for each other's health and deeper gratitude for the gift it is to be together. Until then, I will continue to provide our parish family with music ministry with YouTube videos, guests, talks about sacred music, and our home liturgy resources. Do you have an idea of a way to stay connected in faith through music? Send me an email and let me know.
Yours in ministry,
-Caleb Wenzel